Monday, May 10, 2010

Last Two Weeks

For the last two weeks we have been working hard. We had to finish our game and update our team pages. Wesley and I think our game worked out good. Our team page looks nice and uses correct grammar. Now, we are very glad we chose Globaloria!

Monday, April 12, 2010

4/12/10 Objectives

Today we are going to learn about how to use special effects on Adobe Flash. Some of the effects we will learn how to use are the blur effect, the drop shadow effect, the explode effect, and the transform effect, and the expand effect. These will help make our games more interesting and look m ore professional. Special effects will make the game seem much more fun from the outside looking in.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Learning from Others Part I

In this activityI learned how to copy a lot of stuff from Flash files. I learned how to copy movie clips, layers, scenes, and ActionScript codes from other people's wikis. This will be very helpful in making my game because my backgrounds are going to be videos.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

1/22 Blog of the Week

The knowlege that I got from editing the fly catcher game will be very helpful for my game. I retaught myself how to change around the point system. I learned some new things like how to change action distance, length, and time duration of that action. Editing this game was very helpful in my case and I think that it was a good idea to refresh our memory on this.

Friday, January 15, 2010

My View on Snow Days

I think the snow day system should be changed so we can be able to have 180 days of school. We have to go to school 180 days to recieve federal aid. The problem is, WV has a law that won't let us start school before August 25th and won't let us go past June 9th. In the eastern part of the state we recieve a lot of snow. This snow keeps us from reaching our 180 days of instruction. We can't stop the snow so the only way we can reach the 180 days is to extend the legal WV school year.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Yesterday we worked wih buttons in Flash. It is simple if you know what you are doing and you have the right process down. In my game it could help because I will definitely help because we will need to make a "PLAY" button at the least and we will probably end up with about thirty different buttons throughout the game.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Paper Prototyping 10/26

Paper prototyping is difficult and has to be well organized (which Wesley and I learned the hard way). It is a good way to lay out your game and to figure out what all to put into your game. While we were int the middle of prototyping we kept thinking of different things to add to the game. After we finally finished, we found out that we needed to find some way to make it a little more organized. We ended up numbering the pages so it was a little easier to navigate around.